Friday, January 16, 2009

Mad Ripple Hootenanny - January 15th, 2009

The Mad Ripple Hootenanny recorded January 15th, 2009 at The Beat Coffeehouse in Uptown Minneapolis.

Featured performers include Sarah Morris, Vicky Emerson, Aby Wolf, Kari Tauring and Drew Miller.

2 hours and 45 minutes.

[Program note: We take our audio feed from The Beat soundboard, and the stage right performers are a bit quiet first 15 minutes due to a mic problem - condenser mic switched to "low sensitivity" setting. Though we did our best to compensate, the stage left performers ended up louder in the mix than those seated stage right.

After about 30 minutes in the sound is a bit better balanced after the sound guy cranked the stage right mic to compensate for the issue, but the cranked mic accounts for the light buzzing you may hear on this recording. Our apologies.]

MP3 File