Tuesday, May 5, 2009

HowWasTheShow/Minneapoliscast CD Reviews for May, 2009

HowWasTheShow's David de Young is joined this month by Chris Deline of Culturebully.com and Pat O'Brien of HowWasTheShow to discuss recent and upcoming Minnesota music CD releases.

  1. Communist Daughter - "Not The kid" - http://myspace.com/communistdaughterband
  2. The 757s - "Amateur" - http://the757s.com
  3. Big Quarters - "Ladies Know" - http://myspace.com/bigquarters
  4. Brad Senne - "Sing & Dance" - http://myspace.com/bradsenne
  5. Me & My Arrow - "Revolver" - http://myspace.com/meandmyringostarr
  6. The Sunny Era - "A Cold Calculation" - http://thesunnyera.com
  7. Magic Castles - "Life if Gemini" - http://myspace.com/themagiccastles

MP3 File